JQ's ReefShack LLC
Pajama Cardinal Fish 1" to 1.5"
Scientific Name : Sphaeramia nematoptera
Common Names : Pajama Cardinal Fish, Spotted Cardinalfish
Care Level : Easy to Moderate
Size : Up to 3 inches (8 cm)
Life span : 5 years, perhaps longer
pH : 8.1 - 8.4
Temperature : 72°F - 80°F
Specific Gravity : 1.023 - 1.025
Carbonate Hardness (dKH) : 8 - 12°
Origin / Habitat : Found throughout the Western Pacific, South to the Great Barrier Reef
Pajama Cardinal Fish Temperament / Behavior : You should be able to keep multiples in the same tank but watch them closely as they pair off and be ready to separate or remove the pairs because they can get somewhat aggressive with others when breeding.
Breeding : The Pajama Cardinal fish doesn't seem to be as popular for breeding as the Banggai Cardinal but they should be just as "easy". They are mouthbrooders like the Banggais. Getting a pair can be achieved by purchasing 4 to 6 pajamas and then letting them pair off as they grow into adulthood. It can take several months of feeding them high quality foods to get them ready to spawn. If you do get a successful spawn you'll want to be ready with enriched rotifers and after a week or so, live brine shrimp. These could be a good first fish to try and breed for those ambitious marine hobbyists out there.